<$BlogRSDURL$> London Video Podcast

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[17 MB] rpd.mpg
[12 MB] bisTown.mov
[57 MB] vlog5.wmv
[60 MB] rain.wmv
[60 MB] canal.wmv
[61 MB] pan.wmv
[33 MB] ally.wmv
[31 MB] soho.wmv


Regent's Park Dancing
Sunday fun
Camden Noodles
Rainy Days
Regent's Canal
The Great Spitalfield Pancake Race
London Alley
Soho Strip
Drinking and Surfing


February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006


Camden Noodles

just me off to get some noodles from Camden Market (life is good). the cool shop i went into (funky music and even funkier clothes) is CYBERDOG.

made as part of videoblogging week 2006 (make a video for a week even if you don't feel like it).

Videoblogging Week 2006

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vlog5.wmv [57 MB]